Comprehensive Psychoeducational Evaluation

A comprehensive evaluation involves a thorough and in depth assessment of multiple areas of functioning including cognitive, academic, processing, and social-emotional functioning, done through one-on-one testing with the individual. The following areas are typically assessed:

  • Cognitive ability
  • Academic achievement
  • Language
  • Learning & Memory
  • Visual Processing
  • Auditory Processing
  • Attention & Executive Functioning
  • Adaptive Functioning
  • Social-Emotional Functioning

Dr. Michaeli tailors the specific battery of tests based on the presenting issues, creating a customized assessment for each child. In addition, she works collaboratively with parents, educators, and providers working with the child (i.e., psychotherapist, educational therapist, psychiatrist) in order to understand their functioning across multiple settings. This information is combined with data obtained from scientifically validated measures in order to formulate a thoughtful and cohesive understanding of the individuals’ unique learning profile and their pattern of strengths and challenges. From there, a targeted treatment plan is crafted outlining specific supports needed in order to address areas of challenge, cultivate strengths, and maximize the students’ ability to achieve their full potential. Parents receive a comprehensive report of the findings that can be shared with the school and providers working with the child. Finally, Dr. Michaeli coordinates care after the assessment by connecting families with appropriate referrals who can best meet the individual’s needs.

Gifted Assessment

Dr. Michaeli conducts cognitive, or IQ assessments for the purpose of determining intellectual giftedness. Often times, students with gifts and talents that exceed the norm need modifications to their educational experience to realize their potential. Cognitive assessments help to identify the nature and degree of giftedness and provide guidance on educational placements and environmental supports that are appropriate for their capabilities. These assessments are brief and targeted, and can typically be completed during one testing session. Some gifted children may also have a special need or disability, such as an attention deficit, learning disorder, or social-emotional challenge; this is referred to as twice exceptional, or 2e. In these cases, a cognitive assessment can help to determine the need for additional testing in order to better understand the nature of these differences.


Dr. Michaeli offers consultation for families who have questions or concerns about their child, but may not need a full assessment. This can be a faster, more economical way of gaining insight into the problem and identifying next steps in the child’s plan. Additionally, consultations are provided for families who have had an assessment conducted with another provider and would like a “second opinion,” or interpretation of results.

Pediatric consultations typically include a parent interview, review of academic, psychological, and medical records, and data obtained from behavior rating forms. Dr. Michaeli then meets individually with parents as well as the student to discuss findings and treatment planning. A written report is provided. In addition, Dr. Michaeli is available to consult with educators or other professionals working with the child regarding their learning and social-emotional needs, to ensure that goals and treatment planning are optimal for their specific profile.


Dr. Michaeli has shared her expertise in children’s development and learning in a variety of forums, including parent workshops, with schools and educators, and through media outlets including podcasts, webinars, and blogs. She has discussed the following topics:

  • Identifying giftedness and determining educational placement for gifted children
  • Twice-exceptional (2E) children and how to best support their social and learning needs
  • Demystifying ADHD: Myths, signs, and the evaluation of Attention-
  • Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Understanding executive functioning difficulties in children and adolescents
  • How Comprehensive assessments can uncover children’s strengths and challengesin order to help them achieve their full potential
  • The role of social and emotional factors in learning
  • The importance of examining the learning profile of students as we transition back to in person learning
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